How to Choose a Profitable Blog Niche for Your Blog? [4 Steps to Follow]

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Before starting a blog the first question that strikes the mind is what one must blog about?

For running a successful blogging site you need to identify your goal and choose the prefect profitable blog niche or topic.

Every blog niche has its own targeted readers who search for content related to their interests.

In this article, I am going to share some tips on how to choose the perfect blog niche that helps you to bring in traffic and helps in monetization too.

What is a Blog Niche?

“Niche” refers to a small and specialized section of the population. 

A blog niche can be defined as the topics you’re going to write about on your blog. 

These topics might not grab everybody’s attention but only a part of them. This part of the readers is your targeted audience. 

You can choose any niche for your blog as any niche has the capability to make money online.

Why Choose a Blog Niche? Why Not Write About Everything?

The main purpose of choosing a blog niche is to target the right audience. 

For example, if you write about –

  • traveling on day 1,
  • food on day 2,
  • and gadgets on day 3.

Then you might end up losing all the audience. 

Because it’s possible that articles written on gadgets and food might not interest the audience of travel niche and they will leave your website instantly and vice versa. 

Check out some references to understand and relate it with live websites – 

1. TheMaverickSpirit

We started TheMaverickSpirit to rescue Wanna be Bosses, Solopreneurs, Passionate Content Creators, WordPress Enthusiasts, and Entrepreneurs from 9-5 jail and help them with their dream. 

Blog Niches

Blogging, SEO, WordPress & Marketing. 

Target Audience

Small businesses, techy and non-techy bloggers, Entrepreneurs, and non-techy WordPress website owners. 

2. WPBeginner 

WPBeginner is one of the largest WordPress resources across the internet. 

Blog Niche


Target Audience 

Small businesses, bloggers, techy and non-techy WordPress website owners.

How to Find Perfect Niche for Your Blog?

Finding a perfect and profitable niche for your blog is not hard. You just need to know your motive of doing blogging.

Follow these 4 steps to pick a perfect blog topic for your blog –

1. Identify Your Goal [BONUS STEP]

First things first. You should identify your goal before planning to choose a blogging niche. 

If you don’t decide your goal, then you might very soon end up shutting the blog down. 

The goal here refers to what you want to do for your audience and what you want to get in return from your blog.


Let’s see what are some popular goals of a blog – 

  1. Self-improvement & Personality Development. 
  2. Profit – Make Money Online
  3. Create Engagement and meet new people
  4. Teaching
  5. Validate Expertise
  6. News
  7. Popularity
  8. Opportunities
  9. And many more. 

So, before choosing your niche, make sure you analyze what you want to do? Is it you want to make money? Is it you want to gain popularity? Or something else. 

2. Create a List of Topics


First, write down all the topics on the basis of the below criteria – 

(a) What You Love To Do / Hobbies

Write down the topics related to your hobbies and the things you love to do. 

For example, I love to watch movies, anime and read books. 

I can choose movies, anime or books as my blog niche. Say if I choose books then I can write book reviews, list posts like 10 best motivational books in 2021, etc. 

(b) Passionate About

Write down the topics related to your passion. 

For example, my passion is coding and learning new skills. I can create a technical blog of tutorials. 

One of the best things about choosing passion as your blog niche is that you won’t give up easily on it. 

(c) Knowledgeable About

You can use your professional skills in your blog. 

For example, if you’re a graphic designer, you can choose graphic design as your blogging niche.  

(d) Blogs & Magazine Articles You Read

You can take some references from online blogs and magazine articles you read to decide your blog niche.

3. Do Market Research on Topics

After identifying your goal and picking the perfect topics you can write on, you should do some market research on all of your gathered topics. 

Just to make sure your topics have a big market and will be profitable.

Here’s how you can do a small research. 

1. Google Trends – Analyze the Popularity of the Topic in Google Search

Start your topic research with Google Trends.

Add all the topics and compare their trends, popularity, performance, and statistics across the years, in different countries over time. 


This will give you an idea of whether the interest in your topics is stable, increasing or decreasing. 

With this, you can be sure that you can drive huge traffic to your blog due to high interest and rising trend. 

2. Check on Google Search 

Search for your topics one-by-one on Google and observe the search results carefully to understand them better. 


Things to track in Google Search Results or SERPs –

1. Number of Total Results Returned

More the number of results returned more is the popularity.


2. “People Also Ask” Questions

You can check what kind of questions people ask related to your topic. 

This helps you to figure out what problems people are facing and what they will love to learn about.


3. Google Suggest 

“Google Suggest” can give you some real ideas related to your topic. These are some actual user queries suggested by Google.


4. Youtube Suggest

Just like Google Suggest, “Youtube Suggest” displays some suggestions that are getting searched on Youtube. 


5. Searches Related to 

These are some more keywords related to your topic that are getting searched and users are interested in. 


6. Search Results Themselves 

Search results themselves can give you a fair idea of what type of content is trending and what users are looking for. 


4. Make Sure the Topic is Profitable

If you have plans to earn money from your blog, then you need to make sure that the topics you have gathered are profitable. 

And you can ensure that by using the following steps –  

1. Check Ads in Google Search Results 

If people are investing money in Google Adwords to promote their products for specific keywords related to your topics, then it’s a sign that you’ve chosen a profitable niche.


2. See How Other Blogs in Your Niche Make Money

Search for some blogs related to your niche and see how they are making money. 

Whether they are using – 

  1. Ads
  2. Sponsored Posts
  3. Affiliate Links
  4. Paid Reviews 
  5. Or any other method to earn money. 

This method not only will help you make sure that it’s profitable but will also give you a bunch of ideas with which you can monetize your blog with these same methods. 

3. Check For Affiliate Programs in Your Niche

Affiliate marketing can turn out to be one of the major sources of your earnings. Make sure you look –

  • If there are any affiliate programs in your niche. 
  • If people are earning from these affiliate programs. 

Final Verdict 

These are some steps and strategies I used when I started my blog – TheMaverickSpirit. 

I hope these tricks and tactics will help you out to pick a perfect blog niche. 

If you talk about me, I chose my passion as my blog niche. Due to which every day I learn something, explore more, and try to give my 100% in everything I do. 

At last, let me know what blog topic have you decided in the comments below.

Plus, I am always here to help you if you need a hand in – starting a blog, or with blog setup or anything related to WordPress.  

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